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Founder Message

Home Founder Message

Er. Vijay(Prakash) Singh Bhati (BE, Civil)
Founder and Vice Chairman
Dear students, parents and well-wishers, It gives me great pleasure to announce that our school has been adorned with the vibrant colors of academics, sports, culture, music, and heritage. Our mission is to provide quality education that enhances the personality of the future citizens of our progressive nation. We believe in fostering the holistic development of our students by nurturing their academic, sporting, and cultural abilities. Our aim is to create a conducive environment that promotes learning and intellectual growth, critical thinking, creativity, and innovation. We strive to prepare our students to become inspired learners, groundbreaking innovators, and responsible global citizens. With our unwavering commitment to academic excellence, we aim to shape confident, honest, and hardworking individuals who can confidently face the competitive world. At TUIS, we believe that education is not just about acquiring information but also making our lives in harmony with all existence. To achieve this, we focus on instilling spiritual and moral values and enhancing the aesthetic sense of our students. We believe that every child has the potential to succeed and we are dedicated to providing them with the necessary tools and opportunities to achieve their dreams and goals. Our school has become one of the top-notch boarding schools in Rajasthan, thanks to the diligent enthusiasm of our highly dedicated and qualified staff, combined with the wholehearted support of our managing committee. We remain committed to imparting quality education and fostering an environment that promotes academic excellence, spiritual and moral values, and aesthetic sense. In conclusion, I wish all my beloved students a great and enlightening experience at our school. Let us work together towards our common goal of creating a better and more harmonious world. "The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence."-Rabindranath Tagore.
Mr. Vijay(Prakash) Singh Bhati
Founder and Vice Chairman